Saturday, December 27, 2014


Christians, and everyone else, have a terminal disease called mortality. Worldwide, 11,000 people – 264,000 daily – step into either heaven or hell as their permanent choice of habitation. Our life is a breath, as David said.  Wisdom dictates that we consider what awaits us on the other side of this earth-life we sometimes are so enthralled with. God uses suffering and impending death to unchain us from earth-life and set our minds on things above... on what lies beyond the physical.  Many saints live unprepared for death, knowing little if anything about heaven and what their life will be like there. Those who are wise will go to the only reliable source to investigate what’s on the other side of death awaiting them.
In 1952 Florence Chadwick attempted to be the first woman to swim from Catalina Island to mainland California. After 15 hours she gave up exhausted and cold. When she was pulled into the boat accompanying her she discovered she was less than a half mile from her goal. In the misty fog lying on the water she had been unable to see how close she was. She said later at a news conference “I think if I could have seen the shore, I would have made it.” As saints journeying home we need to “see the shore” see our destination... Christ and the place He has prepared for us, the New Earth. When we can envision the place we are going and the life we will have there, the speed-bumps of this life will become pebbles as we draw our energy and strength from our Lord. We need to see the shore! It has been said many times “Life is all about the journey”, but it is likewise, in a very real sense, all about the destination... Heaven! The journey prepares us for the destination, but the destination defines the route we will take. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014


How we view God is the single most important aspect of our walk of faith, for no religion will ever be greater than its idea of God. In this respect wrong perspectives about God can limit or twist our expectations creating havoc with our faith. And, it is not enough to “follow God” for if we don’t view Him correctly we will have created an idol in our own mind to follow.
We cannot dissect God's nature, embracing some attributes while ignoring others, for it is the total of the sum that defines Him as our God. He is Loving, Holy, Gracious, Just, Good, Merciful, Longsuffering, Truthful, Faithful, Immutable, Wise, Self-existent, Self-sufficient, Eternal, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Sovereign. And, God is infinite in all of His perfections, holy in all His ways: Knowing no boundaries He is without measure. This attribute by definition impacts all of the others. Since God is infinite, everything else about Him must also be infinite, and thus He is holy in all His ways.
Our view of God must capture all He is and not just favorite attributes like love or grace. For example, God is loving and just and abounding in grace: “Whom the Lord loves He chastens and scourges”: His discipline – chastening and scourging -- is grace to us, dispensed in love, a tool of discipleship encouraging us to walk justly before Him along the pathway of transformation. We must study to understand all of God’s attributes and how they interrelate and apply to our life, to view God through the eyes of the Spirit... to mature our view of God. Then we can begin to praise Him in prayer... for who He is!