Friday, December 25, 2015


Christmas is secular. The birth of Jesus is sacred... Holy: God clothed His only begotten beloved Son in flesh to dwell among mankind. It is OK for saints to celebrate Christmas -- even though we are three months or so late in the date – even though it is commercialized to the point of vulgarity. The world invented Christmas and picked the date so what can we expect. But it is more OK to celebrate the birth of Jesus, and absolutely essential that we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord. The God-Man came to earth for one omnipotent purpose: To die and be resurrected. In death He put Death in its grave destroying the hideous sting of death. In resurrection He gave His children -- the saints who call upon His name -- their hope eternal... to live forever with Him in a far better place. This has been God’s ageless plan since before “In the Beginning”… to redeem and restore His creation... to rescue a people bearing His likeness.
Beyond the decorated tree, gift giving, the carols, the mistletoe and eggnog... let’s remember the sobering reality of the human condition: We are, each one of us, either Eternally Saved in sacred betrothal to our Lord and Savior, or Eternally Lost... blinded by this world of dark deception that draws our misplaced love. And, the God who died to give us the Blessed Hope of eternal life with Himself in paradise... this same God holds our last breath in His hand, yearning for indifferent hearts to heed His call before their last breath is released. This Christmas let us kneel in awe of the God-Man who loved the unlovable and did the unthinkable, that “filthy rags” – like me and you -- might have the humanly unattainable. He asks us to give in submission to His Lordship that which we cannot keep – our life, to gain that which we cannot lose -- His Life. To the Saved... rejoice, for yours is the Kingdom of Heaven! To the Lost… know this: God is ever ready to save to the uttermost those who call upon His name... the name of Jesus! Life... True Life – eternally abundant life – is a free gift of God’s amazing grace, available to whosoever will put their faith and trust in the God of undisputable love. We can receive God’s gift of salvation life anytime… anywhere, for it can only be accepted as a gift with one’s heart.

Friday, December 11, 2015


"For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God” (Rom. 13:1): “Authorities” is not referring to individual personalities but to the offices of civil authority. Human government is a divine institution brought into being by God after the Flood for the regulation of human affairs. The incumbents in the offices of civil authority in a democratic society are “ordained” by their constituency… by their vote. God did not place Obama in power, we “the people” did. ”Spiritual erosion is rampant, moral values are quickly dissolving into extinction, evil of the most vile nature is commonplace and growing more evil with each passing day, and the anti-God agenda of the world is accelerating – all under Obama’s watch. Nowhere is the connection between sowing and reaping so clearly evident, as in electing officials: We sow our vote and reap the consequences. Saints, we need to lay our pocket-book aside and vote for the person who best embodies our faith-values, letting godliness trump rhetoric.   
The 2016 election is really just a timing issue with God who uses the good, the bad, and the ugly to accomplish His purposes at His appointed time. God’s eternal power and divine nature are clearly seen by His creation who has willfully rejected Him for the lesser god’s of this world -- manmade gods -- so mankind is without excuse. Our loving Father’s longsuffering patience -- grace to mankind in salvation -- will not suffer much longer... judgment is at hand. The wrath of God will come against all the ungodliness and unrighteousness of mankind... it will come! Things are predestined to go from bad to worse in any case... it is just a matter of time – and God owns time! The world is on a head on collision course with the God it chose to ignore. Saints who read God’s word know this. God chuckles at man’s vain attempts to derail His plans. We are living in the times of the signs: So if another one like Obama wins this next election we should understand God is simply announcing His end-time agenda is at hand. And, though evil will seem to prevail, a great harvest of souls into God’s Kingdom awaits. Saints, we are much closer to hearing the trumpet of heaven sound than we thought… and harvesters are needed... So praise the Lord...