Sunday, April 15, 2012


* Walking worthy of the Kingdom is a life of worship... more of a dance than a walk... strengthened by the joy of the Lord.
* God casts the needs of others upon our love, thereby refining it and us in the process.
* Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences...
* God is our Sabbath – the day of rest is but a picture of Him.
* Truth is an arrow and the gate is narrow that it passes through.  (Bob Dylan)
* Sometimes truth causes love to hurt.
* God is a paradox and we can’t resolve a paradox, we simply must let it be what it is.
* God bids us to come take a ride with Him. The vehicle is His will, and we will want to drive so bad it hurts, but... we don’t know the way.
* The goal of discipleship is Lordship, and the cost is everything! If one called it enslavement... one would be right. Love-slaves of the Most High God...
* When Christ calls a man, He bids him come and die. (Bonheoffer)
* Seldom will we fully understand God’s purposes for our life. Purpose unfolds in the living of it, understanding comes with retrospection, if at all.
* The same strong hands that twisted the crown of thorns, transformed it into a crown of glory. Struggle has a divine purpose on the difficult road God carves into our future.
* We need to hold all things of this life loosely, except Jesus. Hold tight to Him.
* We are so easily satisfied with lovers less wild.
* We become what we desire by allowing Christ to be formed in us... the Holy Spirit manifesting The Son in the Father’s children.
* God's recipe for Love: Be like Jesus in thought, word, and action!
* A vision without a plan is just wishful thinking; discipline is the commitment-bridge between plans and reality.
* He that gives to the poor lends to God... our Daddy said that...
* Life is not simply this time on earth before we die; it continues on... and what we do then is connected to how we live now.
* The prayers of the brethren who huddle around us during times of adversity are but an echo of the Father’s heart, a small indication of His great love for us.
* The “may” of our freedom in God is still framed by the “must not” that limits it... as it was in the Garden of Eden, so it is now...
* If people aren’t holding their noses around you... you’re not stinking enough. (2 Corth. 2:14-16)

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