Wednesday, July 25, 2012


There’s a significant difference between the conviction of the Holy Spirit and the accusations of the enemy... a difference of both method and substance. The Word of God calls our enemy the prince of devils, diabolos, “devil”, and satanas, “satan”, his nature defined by his names:  The nature of our enemy is to slander, defame, accuse, and destroy, standing in opposition to all that is godly and attempting to separate man from God through false information... he is the father of lies. He uses the shotgun approach to overwhelm us with a sense of condemnation and unworthiness to the point of despair... even hopelessness. Within the confines of our conscience our heart sides with the enemy’s accusations igniting the debilitating paralysis of self-analysis...Self trying to fix itself. As “the accuser of the brethren” the enemy’s goal is to separate us from the enabling Grace of God by obstructing our fellowship with God, causing us to withdraw from the throne of His Grace.   
On the other hand the conviction of the Holy Spirit is always gentle, specific, and purposeful, as He shines the light of Christ’s nature on an area of our life where repentance and change is needed. As saint’s we are all on the road to Christlikeness... to more of Him and less of Self,  changing bit by bit as the Holy Spirit manifests Christ’s nature in us as an alternative to Self. As our “Comforter”, the Holy Spirit’s goal is to ignite a passion for Jesus so the Holy Spirit will always manifest Christ... will always point us to Christ... will always encourage us to approach His throne of Grace with great boldness: “For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.” God is greater than our heart... greater in love... greater in compassion, no less than in knowledge. We must always remember, we stand in the virtue of the shed blood of Jesus... which has never lost its power to save... to heal... to restore... to make us Christlike, it is still the way we overcome.

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