Saturday, November 17, 2012


* We kneel in awe of the God-Man who loved the unlovable and did the unthinkable, that “filthy rags” might have the unattainable.
* God does not promise us understanding; He promises us peace which is better than knowing why, then guards our heart and mind with it.
* If we keep our passion hot, God will keep His presence close... God loves lovers...
* “Have faith in God”: The object of our faith is not God’s promises, the occasions for exercising it, but God Himself.
* God is a paradox, and we can’t resolve a paradox, we simply must let it be what it is.
* God casts the needs of others upon our love, thereby refining it and us in the process.
* Monetary light afflictions are but the predestined rendering of our nature into the derived likeness of His nature, perfecting us for forever with the Perfect One...
* Drink deeply of the living water of life, God’s Word, for shallow droughts intoxicate the brain but drinking deeply sobers one again.  
* We all need to gaze upon the Invisible One, evidencing our faith with substance... provoking steadfast endurance. (Heb. 11:27, 1)
* God gave the Son of His love to die for us. We should beware of ever doubting His kindness or His love in any painful circumstance of our life.
* The Bible is a love story... we are the wayward betrothed... not quite ready for the faithful commitment of marriage... looking for yet another fling with Life...
* Like frog legs kicking in a frying pan presuming life, we presume earth-life is LIFE, when in reality it is merely a poor shabby imitation... graffiti boasting of art...
* Kingdom people are not normal people with a certain religious preference; they are radically principled participants in a high commitment endeavor.
* The world beguiles and the devil tempts, but it is the flesh that wants and wants and wants...
* One need never wonder if they are saved for salvation without radical change is not salvation at all... it is religion...
* My access to God’s Grace is no entitlement for Grace retains the inherent value of its source... the Blood of Jesus, making it the most valuable commodity in heaven and earth.
*The pathway to follow Jesus is an informed path: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly…”
* “You shall be perfect”: There is no ambiguity about our need for spiritual maturity. The Son said it, the Father commanded it, and the Spirit will execute it... in willing hearts.
* I will trust the Lord who helps me and keeps me, never slumbering in His watchfulness over me, for I am totally His... I will trust the Lord!

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