Friday, December 25, 2015
Christmas is secular. The birth
of Jesus is sacred... Holy: God clothed His only begotten beloved Son in flesh
to dwell among mankind. It is OK for saints to celebrate Christmas -- even
though we are three months or so late in the date – even though it is
commercialized to the point of vulgarity. The world invented Christmas and
picked the date so what can we expect. But it is more OK to celebrate the birth
of Jesus, and absolutely essential that we celebrate the death and resurrection
of our Lord. The God-Man came to earth for one omnipotent purpose: To die and
be resurrected. In death He put Death in its grave destroying the hideous sting
of death. In resurrection He gave His children -- the saints who call upon His
name -- their hope eternal... to live forever with Him in a far better place.
This has been God’s ageless plan since before “In the Beginning”… to redeem and
restore His creation... to rescue a people bearing His likeness.
Beyond the decorated tree, gift
giving, the carols, the mistletoe and eggnog... let’s remember the sobering
reality of the human condition: We are, each one of us, either Eternally Saved
in sacred betrothal to our Lord and Savior, or Eternally Lost... blinded by
this world of dark deception that draws our misplaced love. And, the God who
died to give us the Blessed Hope of eternal life with Himself in paradise... this
same God holds our last breath in His hand, yearning for indifferent hearts to
heed His call before their last breath is released. This Christmas let us kneel
in awe of the God-Man who loved the
unlovable and did the unthinkable, that “filthy rags” – like me and you -- might
have the humanly unattainable. He asks us to give in submission to His
Lordship that which we cannot keep – our life, to gain that which we cannot
lose -- His Life. To the Saved... rejoice, for yours is the Kingdom of Heaven!
To the Lost… know this: God is ever ready to save to the uttermost those who
call upon His name... the name of Jesus! Life... True Life – eternally abundant
life – is a free gift of God’s amazing grace, available to whosoever will put
their faith and trust in the God of undisputable love. We can receive God’s
gift of salvation life anytime… anywhere, for it can only be accepted as a gift
with one’s heart.
Friday, December 11, 2015
"For there is no authority
except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God” (Rom.
13:1): “Authorities” is not referring to individual personalities but to the
offices of civil authority. Human government is a divine institution brought
into being by God after the Flood for the regulation of human affairs. The
incumbents in the offices of civil authority in a democratic society are “ordained”
by their constituency… by their vote. God did not place Obama in power, we “the
people” did. ”Spiritual erosion is rampant, moral values are quickly dissolving
into extinction, evil of the most vile nature is commonplace and growing more
evil with each passing day, and the anti-God agenda of the world is
accelerating – all under Obama’s watch. Nowhere is the connection between
sowing and reaping so clearly evident, as in electing officials: We sow our
vote and reap the consequences. Saints, we need to lay our pocket-book aside and
vote for the person who best embodies our faith-values, letting godliness trump
The 2016 election is really just
a timing issue with God who uses the good, the bad, and the ugly to accomplish
His purposes at His appointed time. God’s eternal power and divine nature are
clearly seen by His creation who has willfully rejected Him for the lesser god’s
of this world -- manmade gods -- so mankind is without excuse. Our loving
Father’s longsuffering patience -- grace to mankind in salvation -- will not
suffer much longer... judgment is at hand. The wrath of God will come against
all the ungodliness and unrighteousness of mankind... it will come! Things are
predestined to go from bad to worse in any case... it is just a matter of time
– and God owns time! The world is on a head on collision course with the God it
chose to ignore. Saints who read God’s word know this. God chuckles at man’s
vain attempts to derail His plans. We are living in the times of the signs: So
if another one like Obama wins this next election we should understand God is
simply announcing His end-time agenda is at hand. And, though evil will seem to
prevail, a great harvest of souls into God’s Kingdom awaits. Saints, we are
much closer to hearing the trumpet of heaven sound than we thought… and
harvesters are needed... So praise the Lord...
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Matthew, Mark, and Luke all
record the sower parable which, if taken together, paints a complete picture of
the different heart responses to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Of the four heart-soil types presented, the
one most representative of the body of Christ today is the thorny-soil-heart.
Now I know the answer that gets the smile, the buzzer and the prize behind door
number four is the good-soil-heart, but this simply is not true. Just look around at all the “western cultural
Christians”; in fact, maybe we should look at our own heart. The four
characteristics of Thornbushers as documented in the gospels all deal with the
allure of the world: 1) The desire for riches. 2) The desire for worldly
pleasures. 3) The desire for non-spiritual things. 4) The preoccupation with
the cares of this life. Life in the thorn bushes divides our mind, distracts us
from God’s purposes, makes us vulnerable to temptation and sin, and, ultimately,
chokes out the living word leaving us worried, unstable, and anxious. Thorn
cluttered hearts have good intentions but they are deceived, thinking they can concurrently
abide in Christ and abide in the world... the very thing He died to save us
from. If we think of love for God as a canoe and love for the world as a canoe
and then try to float the river of life with one foot in each canoe... well,
you get the picture.
Our spiritual quest begins in
the thorn bushes of life in this world, where the desire for pleasure, riches, "other”
earth bound things, and the cares of this life -- worry about our stuff -- will,
if left unchallenged, slowly “strangle the
divine seed birthed within. Thornland… the world, is suppose to be a pilgrimage
into transformation by way of jungle warfare: Diligent study of God's word fuels
the Spirit's work within, equipping us for spiritual battle, and setting in
place the foundational cornerstone of our faith walk – transformation into Christlikeness.
Our pilgrimage is not out of Thornland for we are to be “in” the world but not
“of” the world. Our pilgrimage is into Christlikeness where we learn to live
overcoming lives among the thorns. But some
of us have given up our pilgrimage. We no longer are seeking a city not made
with human hands. We have become enthralled with lovers less wild. Failing to
study to show ourselves approved – failing to submit our Self to the Lordship
of Jesus – failing to drag Self to the Cross – failing to be conformed into the
nature of Christ, we have become property owners in Thornland, and built our
homes there. Though we still profess our Christian faith we do not possess our
Savior’s nature, looking much more like Thornland than like Jesus... wearing
His lapel pin without emulating His lifestyle...
EndNote: The Sower Parable says
the thorns of our desires for the things of this life choke the word of God.
“Choke” here is to literally choke by suffocation and is Luke’s word for
suffocation by drowning. The thought here is of a fragile new spiritual
creation being suffocated to death, drowning in a sea of competing carnal
interests... the thorns of our desires for the world. The thorny hearted are
addicts with hearts and minds set on the enticements of life in this fallen
world. This worldly mind-set effectively neutralizes... suffocates, the
renewing of the mind on things above which is so essential to ongoing spiritual
transformation. We literally strangle the voice of God! The thorny heart’s
mantra cry, “Your Best Life Now”, is most prevalent in the church today,
contradicting and ignoring the Father’s eternal plan for “Your Best Life
Later.” Thornbushers foster much more than demonic “toe-holds” allowing
strongholds -- fortified fortresses of thoughts -- to rise mystically within
the spirit realm of their hearts, becoming slaves to the very things they
yielded to and providing doors of ready on-going access to the world’s
temptations. “Do not love the word or the things in the world” is a command in
the present imperative, indicating continuous action will be required to defeat
our Self’s desires for the world... the alternative is drowning...
Sunday, November 22, 2015
We may not always sense the presence of the ever present God
who has promised never ever to leave or forsake His children... but He is
present. We experience God’s presence through our emotions... our feelings,
which also respond to life’s circumstances, coloring in the feelings we place
on events. Most of the time God’s presence is in the background of our consciousness,
an abiding peace and contentment... sort of a fearless “OKness” that we get so
accustom to we fail to consciously recognize it. Like our wedding ring,
glasses, or a mole on our arm we often fail to consciously recognize God’s
presence... for He is always present! There are times when God’s presence moves
into the forefront... foreground, of our consciousness... times of worship when
we are deliberately focused on His presence... times when His pursuit of our
heart bursts into our conscious thought, but much of the time we attend to life
unaware of God’s breath on our neck… His arms surrounding us….
A sixteenth century “Christian” coined the phrase “The dark
night of the soul” referring to the experience of God removing His presence
from an individual. One can only surmise how it would feel to suddenly lose
God’s moral compass, lose His peace and the joy of our blessed hope in Him, the
heavens becoming brass, our spiritual senses dull... our love and affection for
God gone blank... fellowship, worship, study, prayer of no interest. I question
whether this is the experience of a person in covenant relationship with the
God who simply won’t leave His children... and thus the “quotes” around
“Christian” as the person who coined this phrase. The dark night of the soul
may very well be of the soul’s own making, and, therefore, a volitional act
rather than a divine imposition... wholly preventable by human choice. We must
remember God has promised to draw near to those who draw near to Him, and to be
found by those who diligently seek Him – even to reward God seekers!. David
prayed that God would not remove His presence, constantly seeking the face of
God... living in a state of worship. The Apostle Paul made it his determined
purpose to “know Him” – the Greek here denoting intimate relationship --
placing intimacy with Jesus as the singular driving need of earth-life...
counting the “things” of life as dung. Brother Lawrence practiced the presence
of God during the mundane things of life, looking for opportunities to engage
God... making Christ the center of everything in his life. Jesus said it best,
as captured by the Amplified Bible:
“Dwell in Me, and I will dwell in you. Live in Me, and I will live in
you.” If that sounds like a conditional promise of His presence... it is!
Perhaps if we modeled our pursuit of God after the words of Jesus and these
godly men, God’s “background” presence would become a “foreground” reality...
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
The world beguiles, and the
devil tempts, but it is the flesh that wants and wants and wants. When Jesus
said “he (i.e., the devil) has nothing in Me”, He was saying the devil and the
devil’s world system has nothing He wants or desires. After Jesus’ forty-day
temptation in the wilderness, at a time when He was weak and vulnerable, satan
tempted Him through three broad categories of human wants: 1) He endured
physical temptation – the Lust of the Flesh for physical appetites. 2) He
endured material temptation – the Lust of the Eyes for material wealth and
prosperity. 3) And, He endured emotional temptation – the Pride of Life for
power, position, and prominence. Notice that Eve struggled with these same
three wants, failing miserably to control her desires and casting all of
mankind into the malignancy of the fall. Notice her words relative to the
forbidden fruit: “So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food (i.e., Lust of the Flesh), that it was
pleasant to the eyes (i.e., Lust of the Eyes), and
a tree desirable to make one wise (i.e., Pride of Life), she took of its fruit and ate.”
Human wants must be evaluated
and understood within a world view that honors the supremacy of Jesus and His
teachings over all else. In light of this, Jesus’ desire for bread was
perfectly normal, just not at satan’s price. Satan’s offer of the kingdoms of
the world fell on deaf ears finding no associated desire in our Savior’s heart. Jesus had already taught that the desire for
riches and pleasures and the things of this life would choke out… suffocate,
His words in hearts captivated by these wrong and foolish desires (i.e., The
Sower Parable). And Christ repeatedly warned how difficult, if not impossible,
it is for the wealthy to enter the Kingdom of God. Satan’s desire for a
demonstration of the power and privilege of Sonship by jumping off a pinnacle
was really a temptation to sin against God: Our Servant Master’s humble heart
was free from any prideful need to prove His position of prominence and power
in the Godhead.
All human “wants” will fall into
one of these three categories, thus the scriptures state that Jesus, in His
three-pronged temptation, was tempted in all ways the same as we are -- through
the same areas of human weakness and vulnerability -- and yet without sin. It
is the human “wants” that make the world’s produce alluring and desirable,
thereby giving power to the devil’s temptations... the battle is won or lost
with our “wants.” The enemy is the “wants” we allow to permeate our heart,
causing us to crave the things of the world and making us susceptible to
satan’s temptations. The real enemy is Self… our carnal nature -- what the
Apostle Paul called our Old Man -- the fleshly nature that never stops wanting.
We were born a “Wanter” with a nature set on things below… the loves of this
life. Through our rebirth into God’s Kingdom we are, for the first time, freed from
enslavement to Self’s desires – freed to choose. This is the freedom to choose
submission to the Lordship of Christ over Self-rule. The freedom to put Self to
death daily – “I am crucified with Christ” – that the implanted Christlife
might burst forth within. When Christ comes alive within, His nature will permeate
our mind setting it on things above. We will overcome satan’s temptations when
our “wanter” is aligned with God’s heart and we can say with Jesus “he (i.e.,
the devil) has nothing in Me.”
“HE (i.e., the devil) HAS NOTHING IN ME”
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
The Holy Spirit’s job is to manifest Christ in us: To change
our natural virtues, our natural traits, qualities, and characteristics, from
our Self-nature of the seed of Adam to His Divine-nature of the seed of Jesus.
The Spirit is a master craftsman, not a cobbler. He never just patches up our
natural virtues with a little bit of Christ sprinkled here and there. “You
shall be perfect”: There is no ambiguity about our need for spiritual maturity…
no wiggle room here! The Son said it, the Father commanded it, and the Spirit
will execute it... in willing hearts. Our natural virtues can never come close
to the virtues demanded by the Godhead: Our Self-serving love is not even a
cheap imitation of God’s self-sacrificing agape love, yet we cling to our
natural virtues -- Self loving itself -- all the while proclaiming Christ is
our Lord. But, Jesus knows what is in the heart of man... God knows our hearts!
So, we must learn to draw our nature from the reservoir of the resurrection
life of our Savior, to bring every part of our nature into harmony with the
implanted Christ-Life... to put on Christ. Woven within this “learning” are
death, submission, and renewal, the processes of spiritual transformation. These
are not painless processes, but so very rewarding for Self-willed stubborn
folks who seem hell-bent on misplacing their love on trinkets of wood, hay, and
stubble. Remember, our Self-nature is programmed to love the world, the same
world we are commanded not to love -- the same world predestined to burn! Be
thankful for God’s patience... and determination, therein lies our Blessed Hope...
Author’s Note: As with most of
the thoughts I share, this “song” is for me. I am traveling the road of
Transformation at a snail’s pace, catching fleeting glimpses of what could
be... should be... if I could just climb up on my cross and spread wide my arms.
Don’t pray causally for God to reveal His heart to you, for we cannot see His
heart without seeing our own, and recognizing just how far short of His
transforming glory we have fallen. While I am most concerned about an
experience... signs, wonders, miracles -- the felt presence of God -- God is
whispering “Son, I need to talk to you about your heart.” The greatest sign of
spiritual maturity... of pleasing God, is not spiritual giftings, ministries,
or signs following. It is Love, Joy, Peace... the Fruit of the Spirit, offered
in a cobbler of obedience, passion, and sacrifice. God’s presence is drawn to Godliness
like metal to a magnet -- abiding where His nature is strongest -- but...
Christlikeness is my weak suit. Like I said, this song is for me... but if the shoe fits...
Thursday, October 22, 2015
first century Christians lived their lives with every step moving forward and
with every fiber of their being fighting for the heart of their King. Jesus had become the all consuming passion of
their lives, producing a dangerous
faith, full of raw power, and capable of choosing revolution over
compromise, peril over safety, and passion over lukewarm watered down
religion. They were called to live in
this world as citizens of an entirely different kingdom. The “Good News” can never be separated from Jesus’
invitation to “Come; Follow Me”.
Jesus never lied about the danger or cost of being His disciple:
“I am sending you out as sheep among wolves” (Matt. 10:1, NLT)
“If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily
and follow Me.” (Lk. 9:23, NIV)
“If you try to keep your life for yourself, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for Me, you will
find true life.” (Lk. 9:24, NLT)
“And how do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose or forfeit your
own soul in the process.” (Lk. 9:25, NLT)
“If you want to be My follower you must love Me more than your own father and
mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters - yes, more than your own life.
Otherwise, you cannot be My disciple.” (Lk. 14:26, NLT)
“Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be my disciple.”
(Lk. 9:27, NASB)
“So no one can become My disciple without giving up everything for Me.” (Lk.
9:33, NLT)
“A servant is not greater than his master.
If they persecuted Me, they will persecute You.” (Jn. 15:20, NKJV)
“When the world hates you, remember it hated Me before it hated you.” (Jn.
15:18, NLT)
* “Do
not love the world or the things in the world. If you love the world, the love
of the Father is not in you.” (1 Jn. 2:15, NCV)
century Christians loved God! This is not a simple platitude but a
life-changing fact. They had beheld His great love for them, and in this
“beholding” they had become loving, expressing God’s love through passionate sacrifice
and servant hood. They knew that love and sacrifice are inseparable in God’s
Kingdom... We need to know that too...
anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself”: We must lay aside as the
world’s dung our desires and plans. We must make it our determined purpose to
know Him... ever pressing toward the high calling of intimately knowing Him.
“And take up his cross daily”: We must crucify our Self and Self’s self serving
interests daily that the implanted Christ-Life can germinate and spread like
yeast throughout our being. “And follow Me”: We must walk His narrow-gated
difficult way, our face set like a flint on things above... demonstrating our
love in passionate obedience... for without obedience there is no love. Deny...
Crucify... Follow...This is
the “meat and potatoes” of Kingdom life, a life of Dangerous Faith and Addictive
Friday, September 25, 2015
The Mosaic Covenant is no longer a functional covenant and the Old
Testament Law is not applicable to New Testament believers – absolutely none of
it. The Law in post-cross time serves three purposes: The Law is a reflection
of the character of the lawgiver, the Law is a prefigurement of Christ and His
work, and the Law judges the unsaved world of sin. The “new and better
covenant” has new and better commandments to regulate the Christian life on the
road to eternity with God. All New Testament doctrine must be based on New
Testament writings, one wouldn’t use a California Roadmap to travel Missouri...
new wineskins require new wine. Any theological principles or precepts drawn
from the Old Testament must be filtered through the cross, the new covenant
teachings, which will either accept them, modify them, or reject them. The Old
Testament is in the New Testament revealed, and the New Testament is in the Old
Testament concealed; clear types and shadows of the new in the old should serve
as substantiating information in support of New Testament doctrine.
Endnote One: Note: Nine of the “Ten Commandments” from the O.T. Law were
reintroduced – most in modified form -- in the New Testament as part of the
1050 N.T. commandments that embody the Grace Covenant. Matthew 5:27-28 is an
example: “You
have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks
at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his
heart. Here Jesus modifies a legal tenet into a matter of the heart. The only one of the Ten Commandments not reintroduced as
New Covenant commandments is “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy”, since
we observe the first day of the week, Sunday, the day our Lord arose from the
Endnote Two: Matthew 5:18 Has often been misunderstood: “For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot
or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.” Jesus
is speaking here. In the verse immediately preceding, verse 17, Jesus
states He came to fulfill the Law. Every
“jot and tittle” of the whole Law -- the
contract or covenant at Sinia– was fulfilled, ended, and abolished in Christ
and “done away” by Him when He made the New Covenant. The Law is abolished for
all who are in Christ – all New Covenant believers -- but the Law still judges
the unsaved world of sin. The laws and commandments of the New Covenant are
just as binding as those were in the Old Covenant. There are over 1,050
commands in the New Covenant, plus many other teachings not expressed in the
form of commandments. Following are some
supporting scriptures: 2 Cor. 3:6-15; Acts 15:5-29; Gal. 3:19-25, 4::21-31,
5:1-5, 18; Eph. 2:15; Col. 2:14-17; Heb. 7:11-28, 8:6-13, 9:1-22, 10:1-18; Rom.
Monday, September 14, 2015
History, as it relates to divine revelation,
is divided into two time periods in which God spoke to mankind. In pre-cross BC
time God revealed Himself through the Old Testament scriptures defining and
recording His covenant, the Mosaic Covenant of the Law, with His chosen people
Israel. In post-cross AD time God revealed His Son through New Testament
scriptures defining His Covenant of Grace for both Jews and Gentiles... whosoever
will. The primary reason God spoke forth two books was to define these two
uniquely different covenants which together form a relational continuum over
time between God and mankind. The Law ultimately points to Jesus, its true
purpose to point beyond itself to the teaching, person and work of the Savior.
The cross is forever the signature of Jesus, the Line of Demarcation between
Old Testament and New Testament, the Law and Grace... animal sacrifice and a
Body (Heb. 10:5). Christ fulfilled the righteous requirements of the Law
through His teachings, sinless life and sacrificial death, satisfying the legal
judgment against mankind and making possible our reconciliation to God as our
Father. In a greater sense Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament by bringing to
pass the messianic predictions completing its partial revelation with Himself,
and by providing the true interpretation of its moral precepts. As the Preincarnate
Word of God Jesus preexisted in the beginning with God... then He became flesh,
and His words -- the new covenant of Grace -- will never ever perish or cease
to be...
(Heb. 1:1-3)
Sunday, September 6, 2015
“So I say to you, Ask and keep on asking and
it shall be given you; seek and keep on seeking and you shall find; knock and
keep on knocking and the door shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks and
keeps on asking receives; and he who seeks and keeps on seeking finds; and to
him who knocks and keeps on knocking, the door shall be opened.” This passage,
taken here from the Amplified Bible, demonstrates the Greek present
imperative/present participle: A command to do something in the future
involving continuous or repeated action. These verbs, Ask, Seek, and Knock, are
commands: we are to Ask, to Seek and to Knock, whenever and as often as the
need arises. And, we are to be shamelessly persistent and passionately
insistent in our Asking, Seeking, and Knocking – obstinately tenacious...
doggedly relentless... expecting an answer! This fact is further substantiated
by the Unjust Judge Parable and A Friend Comes at Midnight Parable. Our
petitions to our Father are not meant to be passive or restrained... rather
passionate and unrestrained. Receiving, Finding and Opening Doors are the fruit
of our persistence – which is simply our faith demonstrated over time -- and,
God owns time. Remember we are talking to our loving Daddy... who loves giving
us good gifts!!!
qualifies our petitions relative to content: “Now this is the confidence that
we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will ... we know that we have the petitions that we
have asked of Him.” God’s will for New Covenant believers... Gracers, is the
New Testament... the New Will, since “Testament” is translated from the Greek
word diatheke and literally means will, a qualitatively new divine ordering
establishing the terms and conditions of a religious inheritance for God’s “whosoever
will.” God only hears prayers that are in agreement with His Word which
filters all heaven bound petitions: These prayers He hears... These prayers He
scripture qualifies our petitions relative to purpose: “You ask and do not
receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.” This
verse is a prayer road block called Self-centered love. Our prayers become
purposeful... carrying the scent of God’s heart, when we really “love your
neighbor as yourself” – love others as we love our Self. Loving others involves
sharing their concerns and praying for their needs with the same passion we
reserve for our own life issues and needs.
When we
petition God for the right things for the right purpose with shameless persistence
and passion insistence, God hears and answers. Prayer is, after all, simply
finding out what God wants to do, than asking Him to do it. As a child before a
loving and generous Father of great substance we Ask, Seek, and Knock,
realizing He will only give things that bring His children into closer
relationship with Himself... things that release the implanted DNA of His
Beloved Son... things that transform His children for Kingdom living... things
that provide substance for Kingdom ministry... things that accord with His
purposeful will... things that are good in light of eternity. This kind of
prayer will make us rich toward God laying up treasure in heaven.
(Lk. 11:9-10, 18:1-6, 11:5-8; 1John 5:14-15; James 4:3; Matt. 22:39)
Saturday, August 29, 2015
people are admonished to walk worthy of the call into God’s Kingdom. Walking
worthy requires a living sacrifice... submission to the rejuvenating work of
the Holy Spirit to bring out the character and nature of Christ in us,
producing the fruit of His Spirit in our everyday lives – love... divine agape
love, out of which flows joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, the essential ingredients of
Kingdom hearts. Walking worthy is to so partake of Christ’s nature that we
become humble, mournful, meek, and merciful, peacemakers with a pure heart who
hunger and thirst for righteousness... Sons of God willing to suffer for
righteousness’ sake. We are “counted
worthy” of God’s Kingdom when we manifest the evidence of His righteous
judgment - His equitable adjudication - by demonstrating patience and
unswerving faith during trials, tests and adversity... the difficult pressures
of earth-life. Walking worthy means we are fellow workers, constantly fruitful,
producing righteous fruit for the Kingdom.
Walking worthy means giving all diligence to add to one’s faith virtue,
knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love,
for if we do these things we will be fruitful in the knowledge of God and never
stumble. Walking worthy means to abide in the Holy of Holies, in the shadow of
His wings, seeking the Face of God over all earthly treasure -- drawn to His
presence like metal to a magnet -- living in the revitalizing presence of God.
Walking worthy means commitment to diligent, continual study of God’s word,
becoming self-feeders capable of rightly interpreting scripture and discerning
truth, and thereby ever increasing in faith and the knowledge of God. Walking
worthy means a life of ceaseless prayer and supplication, continually talking
to Daddy. Walking worthy is a life of worship -- more of a dance than a walk --
strengthened by the joy of the Lord. Walking worthy embodies the recognition
that we are the temple of God, indwelt by His Holy Spirit, and that we are in
Christ and Christ is in God... we are in God and God is in us! Walking worthy
means we are thankful for we are sons and daughters of the living God who have
been delivered from the powers of darkness, made partakers of God’s inheritance,
translated into the Kingdom of His dear Son, and seated at the right hand of
God – In Christ – in the heavenlies. Notice these are all past tense: We have
been adopted into God’s family, redeemed from the chains of enslavement to the
Law of sin and death, given full rights of divine Sonship, and transported into
the Kingdom of the Son of His love.
Saints, we desperately need to know who we are, what we are, and where
we are... In Christ! Walking worthy
means a life of Love, Obedience, Passion and Sacrifice... putting a twinkle in
Daddy’s eyes. Walking worthy is a lifestyle of ordered behavior pleasing to God
in everything... A Divine Discipline... A Habit of Choice. Kingdom people are
simply captivated by Jesus... People of One Thing!
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
road to Emmaus is the road we take after we’ve been to Golgotha. It’s the road
out of town... the get-away road, when other roads we’ve tried turn into dead
ends and cul-de-sacs. It’s the road of disillusionment, when earthly hopes and
dreams fail to become reality, adversity finds our door, suffering isn’t
relieved, and questions aren’t answered... the road to blaming God. Much like
the first century Christians we try to drag the promised blessings and glory of
God’s eternal Kingdom into our present earthly reality... into now. They had
the presence of God in Jesus Himself, and God’s power was manifested in signs
so numerous that if recorded “even the world itself could not contain the books
that would be written.” But, they loved their life and wanted freedom from the
world’s oppression, adversity, affliction and suffering. They wanted a king to
bring them their best life now... not a martyr... crucified between two
thieves. We want that too... health, wealth, our best life now, not the thorns
and nails of our cross, not the transforming pressure of the crucified life, not
the fellowship of our Lord’s sufferings... not adversity in any form, shape or
fashion. The road to Emmaus is well marked in the battlefield of our mind,
pockmarked with the doubts, fears and dead-end whys our half-truths spawn in
misplaced faith... we have no difficulty finding it: “How foolish you are, says
our Lord, and how slow of heart to believe all that I have spoken.” But even as
we walk away our Lord is walking after us, wanting to draw us near, offering
His companionship, and revealing His Truth that sets us free from false
hopes... causing our hearts to burn within us... burning with our eternal hope
in Him. The road to Emmaus is the road of great transformation as we finally
lay aside our will... our wants... our earthly desires, in submission to His
Lordship... moving ever further into God.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Most saints will
never have a large national or worldwide ministry. Our callings, though unique in content, are
very similar in scope. First and foremost we are called into Christlikeness,
the progressive life-long heart surgery of God’s Spirit whereby we put off our
Self-nature, and put on the nature of Christ. This process involves, by
necessity, the death of Self on the cross of Christ and submission to the
Lordship of Christ. As we grow in grace in the knowledge and understanding of our
Lord we are changed in degrees of glory, becoming more like Him and less like
Self, who is the usurper of God’s rightful throne.
God places in each of
us unique mixtures of natural talents and spiritual giftings – suited to our
uniqueness as individuals -- to enable us to help those we meet along our
journey home to God. In a real sense our life is our ministry, as we feel the
tug of God’s heart and respond to the physical, financial, emotional, and
spiritual needs of others. We become what we behold, extending grace and mercy
to others as God has extended them to us, loving the unlovable with the agape
love we have beheld in our Lord. Our faith will be stretched by the sacrifices
of our heart, and our faith will be tested again and again to come forth
approved as pure gold. Love, Obedience, Passion, and Sacrifice become the
foundation stones of our ministry... our life, bringing a twinkle to our loving
Daddy’s eyes.
It won’t be easy to
transform sin stained cripples into beacons of light in a dark and dying world,
nothing of real value ever is easy. All God needs and wants is our willingness...
or our willingness to be made willing, and He will do the rest. Our job... our ministry, is to become the best
Bondservant... Love-slave, on the planet, totally dependent on our Savior,
marching to the rhythms of His heartis
heart.. Most saints will never have a large national or worldwide
ministry. And considering the way many mega-ministries are bowing to the altar
of culture, this is a good thing. The Body of Christ is not, after all, a
church building, denomination, movement, or mega-ministry, but rather all the “called
out ones ... members individually” who have washed their robes of flesh in the
sacred blood of Jesus. It is these individual members who received the Great Commission
to “go and make disciples.”
My heart’s desire is
to be what God has called me to be, and do what God has called me to do, with passion
and joy, above all wearing the cloak of love that others might see Christ in me.
I pray this is your desire likewise. And if you don’t know what your ministry
is... well, you are just not listening. The ministry road begins with a heart
willing to change...
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
“God, who at various
times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets,
has in these last days spoken to us by His Son…” (Heb. 1:1-2). God has spoken,
revealed Himself to mankind, on two distinct occasions, the context not
implying two singular speakings but rather two time periods of speaking with
distinct methodologies and purposes. “In these last days” since the coming of
Christ (implied) -- the writer of Hebrews has now stepped past the cross into
the end times, the church age – God has spoken again, and this time He has
“spoken to us.” Today, “us” is still “us”.
The writer views history, as it relates to divine revelation, as two time
periods, “in time past” and “in these last days.”
The Old Testament is
God’s self-disclosure; it is God telling man about Himself: The main character
is God, the setting is God’s covenant with His chosen people and the speaker is
God. It is the revelation of God
revealed through man, history and Israel – who He is, His attitudes,
attributes, likes, dislikes, what He tolerates, His powers, what He does and
how He responds to the human condition – within the legal parameters of the
covenant He makes with Israel. The Old
Testament reveals to mankind God’s character and nature, His desire for
relationship and holiness, and His judgment against sin, within the context of
His covenant people, Israel, and His Law.
The New
Testament is God speaking forth the revelation of His Son. The prophets spoke as mere mouthpieces, but
when the Son spoke it was God Himself speaking, and in a sense it is God being
revealed By His Son in and through the Son’s life, the Son’s message, the Son’s
redemptive work and the Son’s return to
establish His (i.e., God’s) eternal Kingdom. The New Testament reveals to
mankind God’s redemptive plan established before the foundations of the world
with the foreordained sacrifice of the Son of His love, that we, the “us” of
Hebrews 1:2, might be partakers of salvation and know eternal fellowship with
God through His covenant of Grace – His indescribable grace.
is therefore contextually correct to interpret Hebrews 1:1 and 2 as directly
referencing the Old Testament and New Testament respectively. The foundation of
each covenant is a book, and in each book it is God speaking. The primary
reason there are two books is to define these two uniquely different covenants,
which are people and time specific. Embedded
in the Old Testament historical narratives is a wealth of rich insight into the
character and nature of God, providing valuable principles and lessons for
living the Christ-life. The Law teaches us about the character of the Lawgiver.
The wisdom of Proverbs provides practical moral and spiritual guidance, God’s
ageless wisdom to live by, and the Worship Books provide revelation of a
relational God, inspiring models of how to communicate with and worship God.
This is not the substance of doctrine but rather tools, crib notes, for being a
delight to our loving Father. The “new and better covenant” has new and better
commandments to regulate the Christian life on the road to eternity with God.
All New Testament doctrine must be based on New Testament writings – one
wouldn’t use a California Roadmap to travel Missouri – new wineskins require
new wine. Any theological precepts or principles drawn from the Old Testament
must be filtered through the cross, the new covenant teachings, which will
either accept them, modify them, or reject them.
Monday, July 27, 2015
is an Old Testament commandment right out of the Law of Moses, with no precept
or application under New Covenant Grace, totally unsubstantiated by New
Testament scriptures. Tithing is endlessly taught – dragging Old Covenant
passages out of context – dragging legalism into God’s awesome Grace. Under the
Law tithing was a sure thing – obedient works insured God’s blessing – one
could call it giving to get! The Law actually required three ten percent
tithes, two yearly and one every three years -- i.e., 23 1/3% each year – and
each tithe had a specific purpose under the Old Covenant. As for New Covenant
giving, God doesn’t want 10%... 23 1/3%... or even 100%. God wants hearts raptured
by His love that give as prompted by the Holy Spirit -- giving sacrificially, even as the widow gave
out of her need – always depending on Him for our future provisions as we
demonstrate His love to others. New Testament giving
takes faith for there is no automatic reimbursement entitlement as there was
under the Law of Moses!
the saints’ feet is a New Covenant precept instituted by Jesus as an example
that we should do as He had done, promising that we would be blessed if we
washed one another’s feet: “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to
wash one another’s feet. For I
have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is
not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent
him. If you know these things,
blessed are you if you do them.” It can’t get much clearer than this: “For I
have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.” “Ought” – opheilo in the Greek – is the verb
of “owe” and expresses a special personal obligation, a duty to do something...
a debt of love. Much like the command repeated five times in scripture to
“Greet one another with a holy kiss”, a “kiss of love”, we tend to ignore
precepts that bring us up close and personal with our brothers and sisters in
Christ. And, we miss out on the humbling transformational experience of
washing another saint’s feet... miss out
on emulating our Lord and invoking His promise: “Blessed are
you if you do them.”
In the
Old Testament the tithe was compulsory and was a means of earning the favor of
God. Under the Law the Jews were prone to do the external and material --
neglecting the expression of inner spiritual qualities -- more concerned with the outside of the cup
than the inside ( Lk. 11: 37-44). New Testament saints, however, are urged to
give voluntarily – from the heart – without neglecting the development of inner
spiritual qualities (2 Cor. 9:7). Note Jesus speaking in Luke 11:41: “But
rather give alms of such things as you have.”
The phrase “such things as you have” is a word cluster translating the
Greek word eneimi which means “to be within”, those things that are inside you
-- spiritual qualities, the nature of Jesus – literally “Give that which is
within as your alms.” Our relational Daddy wants His children to relate to one
another from their heart -- sharing the nature of our Lord He has deposited
there -- and His expectations go well
beyond the precepts under discussion. As we are transformed by the nature of
Christ, to give that which is within as our alms will take on a whole new
meaning. This verse immediately proceeds the ‘Woe to you” Jesus pronounced on
the Pharisees for tithing while neglecting justice and the love of God.
Now my
purpose here is not to convince anyone to quit tithing – that is the job of the
Holy Spirit to those who have an ear to hear -- rather to encourage obedience
to the commandments of our Lord. Anyone who takes the time to study tithing
will find it was instituted by the Roman emperor Constantine in the third
century becoming a common practice in the eighth century, and was never a part
of the first-century church. New Testament passages which reference tithing do
not impose it as a commandment under Grace; rather they reference it as a part
of Judaism, in commentary relating to the Pharisees and the tribe of Levy. Many
churches pull passages such as “Will a man rob God” out of their Old Testament
context -- where they were dealing with Israel’s failure to obey the Law – in a
veiled effort to leverage giving, rather than have faith in God for their ministry
Apostle Paul said “the Law was our tutor to bring us to Christ”, for “Christ is the end of the Law ... for everyone who believes.” And
Paul likewise warned that to put oneself under any precept of the Law – be it
circumcision, sabbath keeping, tithing, etc. -- was to become a “debtor to keep
the whole Law”, calling the Law a curse: “Do not be entangled again with a yoke
of bondage ... For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point,
he is guilty of all.” New Covenant
saints have been delivered from and died to the requirements of the Law so that
they can “serve in the newness of the Spirit.” It is most ironic that in our striving to prosper (through tithing) in a world our Lord
warned us not to love, we ignore those humbling most basic commandments that
are rooted and grounded in His desire for us to demonstrate His agape love to
one another.
our lives should re-present our Lord to this world: We are our Lord’s hands as
we wash one another’s feet, our Lord’s kiss on the cheek, as we greet one
another with a holy kiss of love. These are simple things which are humbling to
express. Our Savior gave us these precepts as an example that we too would have
a servant’s heart. And, He said, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” Notice
whose commandments we are to keep: The Lord was not referring to the Old
Testament commandments of the Mosaic Law, but rather His commandments, the
commandments of the New Testament... the New Will... the New Covenant, written
in His blood!
Postscript: If we
embrace tithing, as a New Covenant precept, we should at the very least get the
amount right... 23 1/3 %. And, as New Covenant believers, we must all embrace the
commandments of our Lord, especially ones which go against our nature like the
examples noted. Obedience, after all, is the only scriptural method of
demonstrating the first, greatest, and most essential commandment... to love
27:30-33; Num. 18:20-21; Deut. 12:17-18, 14:28-29, 26:12-13; Jn. 13:3-17; Rom. 7:6,
10:4, 16:16; 1 Cor. 16:20; 2 Cor. 13:12; 1 Thess. 5:26; 1 Peter 5: 14; Gal. 3:10,
24, 5:3; James 2:10; Jn. 14:15; Gal.)
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