Thursday, March 29, 2018


It is wise to take into consideration the three headed dragon, if one lives in the neighborhood.  The Saint’s three headed dragon is The World, The Flesh and The Devil, three formidable forces that join together in an effort to take souls to a fiery grave... an eternally fiery grave.    It would be nice to blame everything on the devil and in a broad general sense this is correct, but in reality most of what is wrong with individual Christians is caused by the flesh and it’s affinity for the world… a world our Savior warned us not to love. Ditto the Church of the living God which is composed of individual Christians linked together Lego fashion into a mystical body. The world thinks of itself as “OK” much like the old Eric Clapton song “it’s all right, it’s alright, it’s all right – cocaine.”  Darkness truly is blind.
We can paint a relational word picture of the dragon this way: The World is a “drug”, the things our carnal flesh desires to satisfy physical, material, and emotional appetites, things such as drugs, sex, food, wealth, intellect, physique, power, position and prominence. The Flesh is an addict needing a fix to satisfy its addiction(s). And The Devil and his little demon thingies are the syringes or bong pipes used to convey the world’s drugs into people’s flesh. We can do little about the world and its “drugs”, what The Apostle John called the Lust of the Eyes, Lust of the Flesh, and Pride of Life. The Sower Parable apply named the world “Thornland” and distilled its allure down to four desires, the desire for pleasure, riches, "other " non-spiritual things, and the cares of this life -- worry about our stuff. And, we can do little about the powers of darkness who will promote darkness until the Day dawns and the Morning Star arises over a New Heaven and a New Earth. To defeat the dragon we must focus on The Flesh, Self, our carnal nature, which must be put to death on the Cross of Christ that His nature may reign supreme in us as our new nature. Our conformation into the nature of Christ is number one on God’s agenda and the real reason we have The Holy Spirit, whose job it is to manifest Christ in us.
Satan and his legion of henchmen simply encourage us to do what we really want to do anyway.  I say “do” recognizing that all action is preceded by thought, and in God’s world thinking is doing, so we are caught -- ensnared to use James’ words -- in a sin-trap where our desires expressed as thoughts are the bait: “But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.” (James 1:13-15) Notice God says we are drawn away “by our own desires”, not someone else’s, and yes, our desire for the world is lust. Put another way, that heavenly endowed young lady, with more than ample flesh exposed, did not just happen to dress that way nor just happen to wander down the same Walmart isle at the same time as a man addicted to pornography, so he could get a visual “fix” to feed his addiction, and she could concurrently feed her addiction, her need for attention. Within the framework of our fleshly desires and the world’s abundant enticements, the devil simply orchestrates. It is wise to take into consideration the three headed dragon, if one lives in the neighborhood… and one does


Monday, March 19, 2018


God wants us to be unflappable... calm during the storms of life. The real issue is not our circumstances but our attitude -- our mindset -- how we respond to our circumstances. To be unflappable is to treat everything as spiritual... it is, and to have a heavenly mindset... a mind set on things above, responding to our circumstances with a mind renewed with the mind of Christ. We will experience good, and bad, and every shade in between. It matters not when we are unflappable. Let us keep “things” in perspective: We are talking about a life we are warned not to love, in a world we are commanded not to love, an itsy bitsy tennie weenie little delay in route to supernatural life... overwhelming love... supreme happiness... utter joy... ultimate peace... infinite ecstasy -- I’m running out of adjectives here -- forever eternally so. Satan cannot win; he can only inflict pain while losing! Let me repeat that: Satan cannot win, his fate is set, his doom is sealed, and the Lake of Fire awaits him. His attacks are meant to destroy our faith and neuter our testimony, robbing us of God’s joy and peace -- he can only inflict pain while losing. These “light afflictions” as the Apostle Paul called them, are simply trials and tests meant to purify, strengthen and approve our faith while releasing our Lord’s nature within – “which is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” Being unflappable destroys any pleasure he may derive from his inflictions. Christ learned obedience through the things He suffered -- maybe we need to follow His example. Troubles, difficulties, afflictions -- in a word adversity -- should be met with one response: Rejoice... Count It All Joy... Be Unflappable. What the enemy intends for evil God will turn to eternal good conforming to His purposes -- we simply can’t lose!!! What happens to our dirt-tents of flesh on this dirt-bag planet during this nanosecond life is insignificant. We are totally expendable vessels who must die or fly to gain access to our glorified bodies. Soooo... trust in total dependence on God -- set your mind on things above -- set your face like a flint toward heaven -- quit worrying about why – and turn your praise on. The God who knows our “needs” before we ask answered our petitions in eternity before the foundation of the world was laid. Our pathway in time to His answer is the pathway of praise... trusting God with the “heavy lifting.” Be Unflappable...

Endnote: Now, this does not mean we don’t pray for relief or resist the enemy’s attack. This is submission to the sovereign Lord in preparation for resisting the enemy in prayer: “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” This is the “Though He slay me, yet will I Trust in Him” attitude that declares unequivocally nothing will turn my praise off... nothing will short circuit my joy and peace... nothing will separate me from the love of my Father. I know who holds my breath in His hands, I know where I am going, and I will rejoice and be glad...
(Matt. 6:8; Col. 3:2; Gen. 50:20;Rom. 8:28, 5:3-5; Heb. 5:8; James 1:2-4, 4:7; 2 Cor. 4:17; Job 13:15;Dan. 5:23)

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


I have come to realize the greatest sign, wonder, or miracle I will ever witness is my own transformation into what God has purposed me to be -- a holy vessel fit and willing for the Master’s use -- a vessel exhibiting the DNA of our Savior -- “For this is the will of God, your sanctification.” Herein also lays the greatest battles, the greatest tests, and the greatest deception. Cheap Grace tells me I am -- instantly upon accepting the Father’s call to salvation -- a new creation conformed into Christlikeness, when I have but begun the journey into Him. I want to so empty myself of Self that nothing remains but a common ordinary vessel manifesting the Christ-Life. I want to truly no longer live so that Christ can live in me, as the scriptures declare. The new creation when fully manifested is a Person within a person, living out His Life within that person – Christ in me, my only hope of eternal glory.

Only death and submission brings renewal and life in The Spirit, for “the world must be crucified to me, and I to the world.”  And how the Holy Spirit manifests “Christ in me” matters not in the least -- be it in the mundane things of everyday life or the miraculous... it matters not -- as long as “the works of God are revealed in me” and I submit myself fully to His Lordship... His divine plan. John the Baptist said, “He (Christ) must increase, but I must decrease.” The Apostle Paul said it this way: “Even though our outward man (Self) is perishing, yet our inward man (the implanted Christ-life) is being renewed day by day”, referring to “the sufferings of this present time” (earth life) as “light affliction” bringing “eternal glory.” In a spiritual sense this is true for every saint: “I” – my old fleshly nature, Self -- must decrease that the divine implanted nature of Christ may increase and flow forth from my inner most being as a river of living water – the Holy Spirit manifesting Christ in me... through me... to the world.

Our life on planet earth is supposed to be about Light and Salt! I have found such comfort -- such peace and rest -- and such strengthening of faith since I refocused my desires from experiencing the miraculous mountain-moving power of God to simply becoming what God wants me to be... a vessel that can be filled with the Life of His Beloved Son. I much prefer that other vessels be chosen to manifest the miraculous lest I allow attention to be drawn from the Glorious One unto me -- one who falls far too short of God’s glory.
(2 Cor. 4:16-17, 5:17; Rom. 8:18, 29; Gal. 2:20; Col. 1:27; Jn. 9:3; 1 Thess. 4:3)