Thursday, March 29, 2018


It is wise to take into consideration the three headed dragon, if one lives in the neighborhood.  The Saint’s three headed dragon is The World, The Flesh and The Devil, three formidable forces that join together in an effort to take souls to a fiery grave... an eternally fiery grave.    It would be nice to blame everything on the devil and in a broad general sense this is correct, but in reality most of what is wrong with individual Christians is caused by the flesh and it’s affinity for the world… a world our Savior warned us not to love. Ditto the Church of the living God which is composed of individual Christians linked together Lego fashion into a mystical body. The world thinks of itself as “OK” much like the old Eric Clapton song “it’s all right, it’s alright, it’s all right – cocaine.”  Darkness truly is blind.
We can paint a relational word picture of the dragon this way: The World is a “drug”, the things our carnal flesh desires to satisfy physical, material, and emotional appetites, things such as drugs, sex, food, wealth, intellect, physique, power, position and prominence. The Flesh is an addict needing a fix to satisfy its addiction(s). And The Devil and his little demon thingies are the syringes or bong pipes used to convey the world’s drugs into people’s flesh. We can do little about the world and its “drugs”, what The Apostle John called the Lust of the Eyes, Lust of the Flesh, and Pride of Life. The Sower Parable apply named the world “Thornland” and distilled its allure down to four desires, the desire for pleasure, riches, "other " non-spiritual things, and the cares of this life -- worry about our stuff. And, we can do little about the powers of darkness who will promote darkness until the Day dawns and the Morning Star arises over a New Heaven and a New Earth. To defeat the dragon we must focus on The Flesh, Self, our carnal nature, which must be put to death on the Cross of Christ that His nature may reign supreme in us as our new nature. Our conformation into the nature of Christ is number one on God’s agenda and the real reason we have The Holy Spirit, whose job it is to manifest Christ in us.
Satan and his legion of henchmen simply encourage us to do what we really want to do anyway.  I say “do” recognizing that all action is preceded by thought, and in God’s world thinking is doing, so we are caught -- ensnared to use James’ words -- in a sin-trap where our desires expressed as thoughts are the bait: “But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.” (James 1:13-15) Notice God says we are drawn away “by our own desires”, not someone else’s, and yes, our desire for the world is lust. Put another way, that heavenly endowed young lady, with more than ample flesh exposed, did not just happen to dress that way nor just happen to wander down the same Walmart isle at the same time as a man addicted to pornography, so he could get a visual “fix” to feed his addiction, and she could concurrently feed her addiction, her need for attention. Within the framework of our fleshly desires and the world’s abundant enticements, the devil simply orchestrates. It is wise to take into consideration the three headed dragon, if one lives in the neighborhood… and one does


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